Why Your Website Load Time Matters and How It Affects Your Business | Innovware

Why Your Website Load Time Matters and How It Affects Your Business

When it comes to website loading speeds, research performed by Google states that the probability of bounce increases 32% as page load time goes from 1 second to 3 seconds. The load time of your website can have a huge impact not only on the user experience and satisfaction, but also on ranking (and, as a […]

10 Useful App Analytics Tools for Your Business | Innovware

10 Useful App Analytics Tools That Will Help Grow Your Business Today

With customers consuming four and a half hours per day on their mobile phones, it makes sense that you should try to ensure your app is getting some of that massive time-spend and more high-grade perceptibility can pay.  On average, customers spend $120B in the app store and $190B on mobile ad contribute. You can […]