What Is Community Management - Innovware

What Exactly Is Community Management?

If you are up and about, especially in the tech communities, you have often come across community managers and the most common question that you get is, what is community management? As someone who has been a community manager since around 2012, it is probably what you might think it is and about 70% something […]

Innovware Disperse: Building a Tech and Digital Community

Disperse: Building a Tech and Digital Community

Disperse is a volunteer tech, digital and developer community founded by Innovware. Disperse is an idea to promote innovation, exposure and learning through openness and growth distributed in connected small clusters around the world. Remembering our own journey; Innovware started, grew and thrived because of the support and membership in global web and tech communities. […]

How to Run a Low-Cost Community Event | Innovware

How to Run a Low-Cost Community Event

As a community manager, you might have to plan and run a low-budget event either in the beginning or midway through your role. If it is your first time this might be a daunting task but we have put together these few steps to guide you on how to organize your very first event with […]